The Services We Provide
Office Design And Build

Office Design And Build

AVINCAS focus on providing great office design that goes beyond the physical, practical concerns but also takes account into the psychological and emotional well- being of the people who will be using the space. We aim at lowering your cost, produce a workable office interior design solution and improve your staff productivity and wellness.

Office design safety in subtlety

We have a responsibility to design offices and make it as safe as possible for staff and visitor. In an era when workplace incidents are becoming more common, with help of AVINCAS, you will find the best security strategy for your business, for example, to find exits quickly in case of emergencies, reduce workplace hazard, and prevent safety issue before they happen.

Creating security layers through zoning

Zoning is an essential aspect of office design because it keeps public and private spaces separate. Public spaces like lobbies, entrances and waiting rooms are usually grouped together to limit access and maintain high visibility. Visitors that require access into more secure areas may need to have special security clearances or be escorted. By doing this keeps staff-only area much more secure. Pubic areas should always be located along the perimeter of the building while private areas at the core of the building.